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October 27, 2021
Tell Your Senators—Working Without the PRO Act is SCARY!!
It’s nearly Halloween and do you want to hear something truly spooky? Bad bosses are getting away with using the threat of firing and pay cuts to prevent tens of millions of workers across the country from speaking out about unsafe or discriminatory working conditions.
We’ve long known that our current system is rigged against working people and is used every single day to frighten and silence us. It prevents workers from coming together to use their collective voice to demand better pay, better working conditions, and the right to join together in union.
Yes, current U.S. labor law can be downright ghoulish, but we can do something about it.
The Protect the Right to Organize or PRO Act has been sitting in the Senate and is still awaiting a vote. We can’t let our senators ghost us and leave us with a bag of tricks this Halloween.
The PRO Act could be the biggest overhaul to U.S. labor law in generations – if passed, it would finally update the rules that remain rigged against working people.
Now THAT would be a treat.
The PRO Act would hold employers accountable for retaliating against workers for attempting to organize a union or against those who speak out on working conditions, pay, or other issues. What’s more, PRO would levy penalties against companies who misclassify workers.
If passed into law, the PRO Act will empower working people and gives them additional tools to organize for a better and fair return on their work. Yet, the Senate continues to sit on the bill.
Today, we gather together in the shadow of our nation’s Capitol and we call on the Senate to pass the PRO Act before the bill turns into a pumpkin.
Sign the petition NOW and tell the Senate that it’s time to put working people first—PASS THE PRO ACT!

November 17, 2020
Working People Will Define the First 100 Days!

October 6, 2020
Election Defenders! Training Series
About this event
(español debajo) With the stakes being as high as they are, voter suppression already more rampant than ever, and the nationalist right emboldened by conspiracy theorists and the President himself, we can’t depend on anyone else ensuring people are able to vote freely and safely.
Election Defenders will be working to provide safe supports for voting (such as PPE and water), and election and voter defense, de-escalating right-wing intimidation tactics and signaling to a network of groups and lawyers if and where trouble breaks out.
These trainings will cover different areas each week so we are asking everyone to attend all four trainings or email to request a video of training.
- Poll Monitoring
- Bystander Training
- De-escalation
- Direct Action 101
- Combating Disinformation
Todo está en juego. Somos todos testigos de una descontrolada represion del voto, la derecha nacionalista esta respaldada por los conspiracionistas y por el mismo presidente. No podemos depender de nadie más para asegurar que nuestra gente vote libre y seguramente.
Los Defensores de las Elecciones trabajaran para proporcionar suministros seguros para las votaciones (así como el equipo de protección personal y agua), defender a los votantes y las elecciones, disminuir las tácticas de intimidación por parte de la derecha, y alertar a una red de grupos y abogados si hay disturbios y donde.
Estas capacitaciones cubrirán distintas áreas cada semana. Les pedimos a todo el mundo que asista a todas las cuatro capacitaciones o envíen un email para solicitar una grabación. – Monitoreo de la votación – Capacitación para observadores – Disminución de conflicto – Accion directa – Confrontar la desinformacion

September 21, 2018
Tell Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase to Stop Financing Pain for Corporate Profit!
CoreCivic and GEO Group earn billions of dollars operating prisons, jails, and immigration detention centers used to incarcerate people and separate parents and children. As two of the largest financiers of these prison corporations, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo are complicit in the suffering of too many families. Certain politicians, government agencies, and corporations are rigging the rules of our justice system to criminalize Black people, immigrants and poor folks at disproportionately high rates. They distract and divide the rest of us by provoking fear and hatred of these communities, while banks, private prisons and lobbyists enrich themselves in pursuit of even more people to detain and jail.
It’s time to unite and say, “Enough is enough!” By coming together across races, we can push banks to get out of the cruelty business. Sign our petition to tell Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase to stop financing private prison companies!

July 16, 2018
Tell Microsoft and Other Tech Companies to Sever Ties with ICE!
The cruelty of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has drawn the nation’s attention to the injustices faced by immigrants striving to build a better life in the United States.
Family separation isn’t happening just at the border. It’s happening at workplaces, schools and homes across the country, where the constant presence of ICE agents means that families live under the perpetual threat of deportation.
Holding immigrant children and families in detention camps is horrific. But for some corporations, it’s also very profitable.
That’s why employees at Microsoft are calling on the company to cut their $19.4 million contract with ICE. Other big tech companies like Salesforce, Dell, Motorola, and Hewlett Packard Enterprises are also coming facing pressure from their employees to cut ties with ICE and Customs and Border Protection. Will you have the backs of these brave working people?

July 10, 2018
Tell Your Senators to stand with working families and block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee
President Trump has picked Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace Anthony Kennedy as the next justice of the U.S. Supreme Court – and we need your help to stop this dangerous nomination.
Kavanaugh’s previous rulings raise grave concerns about whether he will protect our freedom to join together in strong unions and set family sustaining standards over our safety, benefits, and pay or if he will continue to side with corporations and the wealthy few.
On the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, Judge Kavanaugh routinely ruled against working families, rejecting the right of women and men to receive employer-provided health care in the workplace. He sided with employers to deny employees relief from workplace discrimination. Kavanaugh’s opinions also suggest he will align with Trump to gut the Affordable Care Act, allowing profitable health insurance companies to discriminate against millions of people with pre-existing conditions.
We won’t stand by as certain politicians and greedy lobbyists rally to seat someone on the Supreme Court who will continue to rig our economy in their favor. We can build momentum to derail this nomination if enough of us come together and speak out.
Our representatives in the Senate must reject this nomination and demand a nominee who will protect the rights of working people, uphold our constitutional values of equal justice to all, fairness, dignity, freedom, and democracy.
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