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June 27, 2018
Don’t Let the Koch Brothers Have the Last Word
Corporate CEOs and wealthy billionaires just scored a big win in their war on working people. But we’re not giving up.
By interfering in the ability of millions of public employees to come together in strong unions, a small group of corporate CEOs and wealthy billionaires are using the Supreme Court to rig the rules of the economy in their favor.
Despite this ruling, we know the truth. No court, no greedy CEO, no corporate bully will stop working people from exerting their power in numbers. Join us to pledge your unrelenting support for the teachers, bus drivers, nurses, first responders, sanitation workers and countless other who sustain our families and neighborhoods. Together, we will continue to fight for strong unions, well-funded public schools and services, and come together as we did in our past.
Pledge to fight in solidarity with public employees and all working people!

March 27, 2018
Tell Disney CEO Bob Iger: Don’t discriminate against your union employees!
Disney and its CEO Bob Iger are discriminating against 41,000 working people fighting for a better life for their families.
On Jan. 23, Disney CEO Bob Iger joined a number of major corporations announcing bonuses as a benefit from the federal tax cut. At Disney, that meant 125,000 employees would see a payout in the amount of $1,000.
But while Disney offered most Cast Members the bonuses with no conditions, for over 41,000 union members in Orlando, FL and Anaheim, CA currently in contract negotiations, there was a catch: They must agree to the company’s insulting contract proposals.
Together with their unions, the people who feed, entertain, serve and clean up after guests at Disney theme parks are demanding a $15 living wage. But even after a new report revealed that 73% of Disneyland crew members do not earn enough for basic expenses every month, and 11% have been homeless, the company still refuses to budge.
So-called family-friendly businesses like Disney should not go out of their way to make life harder for the people who work for them. The cast members who make Disney so successful deserve job standards and wages that value families, NOT broken promises.
Add your name to tell CEO Bob Iger to pay all Disney Employees the bonuses he promised them and to go back to the bargaining table with their unions.
November 20, 2017
Tell Your Senator to Stand Against Corporate Tax Cuts
Republicans in Congress want to give big corporations and the super wealthy a tax cut, and they want to do it before enough of us wise up.
To pay for the massive handout to the wealthy, Republicans want working people to foot the bill. The Trump-Ryan tax scam would also make dramatic cuts to programs like Social Security, food stamps, Medicare, and Medicaid. And at the last minute, Republicans in the Senate snuck in a provision that would repeal a key measure of the Affordable Care Act.
Let your Senators know that you oppose this tax scam. Enter your phone number and zip code below to get connected to your Senators’ offices or dial 1-855-973-4213 to connect to your Senators now.

September 25, 2017
Protect working families: Stop Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy CEOs & profitable corporations!
President Trump, Republican leaders in Congress, and lobbyists want to give massive tax breaks to millionaires and wealthy corporations.
To pay for their scheme, they want to cut between $4 and $6 trillion from Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public education and other critical services.
Enriching the 1% and big corporations by slashing public services working families and communities depend on is the healthcare fight all over again!
Make your voice heard. Sign our petition telling members of Congress to reject this greedy budget plan! Tell Congress: Hands off our Medicaid, Social Security, Medicare, and education!

May 18, 2017
Stop Corporate Greed at AT&T Wireless
More than 21,000 people who work for AT&T Wireless are standing up to powerful corporate interests for good jobs and a better future for us all.
AT&T rakes in huge profits – earning a record $13 billion last year. Yet the telecommunications giant wants the men and women who make them so successful to agree to pay cuts and outsourcing.
The team at AT&T Wireless is pushing back, and ready to strike against working more for less.
Unite with them in their emblematic fight against corporate greed. Write AT&T’s CEO Randall Stephenson to support them reaching a contract to save family-sustaining jobs.

May 10, 2017
Ben & Jerry’s: Stand for Farmworkers’ Rights!
The people who work on dairy farms throughout the Northeast toil with dangerous, backbreaking conditions for grueling hours and low pay–often without breaks.
In 2015, Ben & Jerry’s agreed to do something about it – and committed to join a landmark program to stop abusive, inhumane treatment of the people who work for their dairy suppliers. Two years later, the company hasn’t joined or implemented Milk With Dignity at all.
Ben & Jerry’s still can do the right thing, if enough of us speak up.
Send an email to Ben & Jerry’s CEO, Jostein Solheim, and urge him to make good on his commitment to join and comply with the Milk With Dignity Program, without further delay!

April 19, 2017
Write your Representative today: Don’t steal overtime pay from working people
When Congress returns from recess, the House will take up the “Working Families Flexibility Act” (HR 1180.) This bill offers working people a false choice between time off and money.
What it’s really doing is stealing overtime pay from working families, further eroding basic protections for working people.
Overtime pay is an opportunity for working people to earn a little more while creating a disincentive for employers to overwork employees.
The misnamed “Working Families Flexibility Act” would allow employers to borrow their employees’ overtime pay interest-free, without any security, putting it at risk for workers at the 400,000 businesses that go out of business every year.
Most low- or moderate-wage working people whose paychecks are not enough, would always prefer to work extra hours to receive extra pay, not receive comp time with no guarantee they can ever use it.

February 27, 2017
Uniting for Good Jobs at AT&T Wireless
More than 21,000 people who work for AT&T Wireless are standing up to powerful corporate interests to demand good jobs and a better future for us all. They are joining together to negotiate a fair contract and pushing back against AT&T’s demands to do more work for less.
They’re also prepared to do whatever it takes to stick their necks out to save family-sustaining jobs and sustain their communities, including going on strike.
Join with them and send a message to CEO Randall Stephenson that customers and the public will stand with the working people of AT&T for as long as it takes. Add your name to our petition today!

February 3, 2017
Call Your Senator: Stand up for Public Education and #DumpDeVos
The pressure to stop Trump’s billionaire nominee for Secretary of Education from being confirmed is working. Two Republican senators, Susan Collins (Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), just announced that they will oppose Betsy DeVos’ confirmation.
That means that we’re just ONE vote short from blocking DeVos’ confirmation altogether. We need to keep up the pressure more than ever to sway one more senator to vote against DeVos.
There’s no time to waste. The full Senate will take a final vote on DeVos on Tuesday. If you live in Arizona, Kansas, Ohio, Nebraska, Nevada, Pennsylvania or West Virginia –your senator is undecided. Please make a call ASAP to their office to encourage them to #DumpDeVos.
Call 1-855-882-6229 to get connected to your senator’s Washington, D.C. office or check below for district office phone numbers for your senator.
Alaska Senator Daniel SullivanDC: (202) 224-3004
Anchorage: (907) 271-5915
Fairbanks: (907) 456-0261
Juneau: (907) 586-7277
Wasilla: (907) 357-9956
Kenai: (907) 283-4000
Ketchikan: (907) 225-6880
Arizona Senator Jeff Flake
DC: (202) 224-4521
Phoenix: (602) 840-1891
Tucson: (520) 575-8633
Arizona Senator John McCain
DC: (202) 224-2235
Phoenix: (602) 952-2410
Prescott: (928) 445-0833
Tucson: (520) 670-6334
Colorado Senator Cory Gardner
DC: (202) 224-5941
Pueblo: (719) 543-1324
Colorado Springs: (719) 632-6706
Denver: (303) 391-5777
Grand Junction: (970) 245-9553
Greeley: (970) 352-5546
Fort Collins: (970) 484-3502
Yuma: (970) 848-3095
Kansas Senator Jerry Moran
DC: (202) 224-6521
Hays: (785) 628-6401
Manhattan: (785) 539-8973
Pittsburg: (620) 232-2286
Wichita: (316) 631-1410
Olathe: (913) 393-0711
Nebraska Senator Deb Fischer
DC: (202) 224-6551
Kearney: (308) 234-2361
Lincoln: (402) 441-4600
Norfolk: (402) 200-8816
Omaha: (402) 391-3411
Scottsbluff: (308) 630-2329
Nevada Senator Dean Heller
DC: (202) 224-6244
Reno: (775) 686-5770
Las Vegas: (702) 388-6605
North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis
DC: (202) 224-6342
Charlotte: (704) 509-9087
Greenville: (252) 329-0371
Hendersonville: (828) 693-8750
High Point: (336) 885-0685
Raleigh: (919) 856-4630
North Dakota Senator John Hoeven
DC: (202) 224-2551
Bismark: (701) 250-4618
Fargo: (701) 239-5389
Grand Forks: (701) 746-8972
Minot: (701) 838-1361
Williston: (701) 580-4535
Ohio Senator Rob Portman
DC: (202) 224-3353
Columbus: (614) 469-6774
Cincinnati: (513) 684-3265
Cleveland: (216) 522-7095
Toledo: (419) 259-3895
Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey
DC: (202) 224-4254
Allentown: (610) 434-1444
Erie: (814) 453-3010
Harrisburg: (717) 782-3951
Philadelphia: (215) 241-1090
Pittsburgh: (412) 803-3501
Scranton: (570) 941-3540
Johnstown: (814) 266-5970
West Virginia Senator Shelley Moore Capito
DC: (202) 224-6472
Charlestown: (304) 347-5372
Martinsburg: (304) 262-9285
Morgantown: (304) 292-2310
Beckley: (304) 347-5372
Here’s a sample script for your call:
Hi, my name is (NAME). As a concerned constituent from (YOUR STATE), I urge the senator to oppose Secretary of Education nominee Betsy DeVos. Her confirmation hearing proved that she lacks both the experience and qualifications to lead the Department of Education. She should not be put in charge of students and our schools. She has zero experience with public education, and spent millions dismantling and defunding public schools. Students deserve better. We need a Secretary of Education who will help to improve success for all students, including creating more opportunities and equity for all. Thanks for taking my call.
DeVos, a billionaire lobbyist, and political donor, has zero experience with public schools – not as an educator, a school board member, a student, or even as a parent – and has spent her career defunding and dismantling public education. DeVos bankrolled and lobbied for failed schemes like voucher programs, which take money away from public schools to fund private schools at taxpayers’ expense, and with little to no accountability. She designed Detroit’s failed charter school program, which harmed already vulnerable students. DeVos even lacks experience in higher education and holds controversial positions on students with disabilities and student loans.
If you agree we need an experienced, highly qualified Secretary of Education who actually wants to improve success for ALL students and invest in public schools, raise your voice with us now!

January 11, 2017
T-Mobile: Stop Using Predatory Sales Goals
T-Mobile needs to learn a lesson. Less than three years ago, the telecommunications giant saddled millions of customers with unwanted charges resulting in a $90 million settlement with the government.
Now, T-Mobile sales and customer service representatives say they’re under tremendous stress to meet unrealistic performance goals, forcing them to make sales at any cost, or risk retaliation in the form of reduced hours, pay cuts or job loss. A new report finds that T-Mobile’s demands leads to some staff enrolling unknowing customers with bogus charges and unwanted services.
Enough is enough. Sign our petition urging CEO John Legere to drop the high-pressure sales and finally do right by the working people of T-Mobile and their customers.
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