Author: Lisa Adler

Last Thursday, the California State Senate passed the Domestic Worker Bill of Rights, AB 241! This vote gets California one step closer to extending equal labor rights to domestic workers. If signed by the Governor, AB 241 would provide all domestic workers who care for California’s homes and families with… Read More»

Grandparent's Day
Latino Union, Arise Chicago, and Chicago Jobs with Justice teamed up with the Chicago Temple to honor caregivers who themselves are grandparents

September 8 was National Grandparents Day. You may not have even realized it – since unlike Mother’s Day, this is still a little-known holiday. But Caring Across Generations and our partners across the country are working to change this! We think this holiday is an important one to elevate and celebrate as an… Read More»

The Alliance for a Greater New York (ALIGN) and the New York Care Council released a groundbreaking report last week, with data on New York City’s current and anticipated home care needs.  This report – the result of extensive research and a survey of 1,200 participants – comes at a… Read More»

Domestic Workers Rally

Earlier this week, over 100 domestic care workers rallied at the White House to urge the Obama Administration and the Department of Labor to end the delays in advancing new regulations that would provide home care workers with basic labor protections. It has been 75 years since the passage of… Read More»

This week, we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) – landmark legislation that ushered in a new era of just labor protections and raised the floor for working people in this country.  There’s no cause for celebration for the significant  portion of our workforce who… Read More»

Last week was an exhilarating week for Caring Across Generations! In the lead up to Mothers’ Day, we asked you and thousands of others to honor mothers everywhere by taking action to make quality care available to everyone.  And together, we did just that! On May 5, we launched our… Read More»

Immigrant care workers support millions of our country’s seniors and people with disabilities.  Consumers uniquely understand that a roadmap to citizenship for the careworkers they rely on. To that end, the Caring Across Generations campaign organized a powerful army of consumers on Capitol Hill to advocate for the importance of… Read More»