Author: Jonathan Williams

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Thanks to new legislation taking effect this year, an estimated 2.5 million minimum wage workers in at least 13 states will receive much-needed pay increases in 2014. As wealth inequality continues to grow, these latest pay increases are a step in the right direction. In New York, the minimum wage… Read More»

On December 5, fast food workers went on strike in over 100 cities nationwide with support from local Jobs With Justice coalitions. While the fast food workers were within their legal rights to strike, the risk of employer retaliation often looms large when workers take courageous action to speak out… Read More»
Both Measures Pass Unanimously, Now Await Mayor Gray’s Signature Yesterday, the D.C. City Council voted unanimously to increase the city’s minimum wage to $11.50 per hour by 2016 and to extend earned sick time to tipped restaurant workers. While voters in the District overwhelmingly support living wage measures, Mayor Gray… Read More»

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