
Photo from Massachusetts Jobs with Justice

Although President Obama has called deportations “heartbreaking,” immigrants in the United States continue to be separated from their families at a record pace. Nearly two million deportations have taken place under the Obama administration to date. On March 13, the President finally ordered the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to… Read More»

It’s no secret that the world’s most profitable employers often pay some of the lowest wages. Companies like Walmart and McDonald’s make billions each year, yet their employees rely on taxpayer-funded government assistance just to make ends meet. Now, men and women employed at these companies have taken bold risks… Read More»

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After hundreds of workers returned to their stores after striking against unfair labor practices, and after thousands of community activists around the country organized actions at local stores, Walmart has predictably responded by retaliating.  Instead of engaging workers in a conversation about treatment, plummeting customer service ratings, weak store sales… Read More»