July 8, 2013

Jobs With Justice

Urge the Senate to Protect the NLRB

Imagine a world where our weak labor laws are no longer enforced. Workers successfully organize, but their company refuses to recognize the union. Workers are fired illegally and have no recourse. This could be the world we live in soon if we don’t fight back.

In coming days, the Senate is expected to vote on President Obama’s five nominees to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) — the agency that protects workers’ rights for 80 million workers. But Republicans in the Senate are threatening to shut down the NLRB by blocking an up-or-down vote on the president’s nominees.

That’s why it’s important you call your senators right now so presidential nominees aren’t blocked and workers’ rights are protected.

Call the Senate switchboard at 202-224-3121. Then let us know how your call went.

When you call, say: I am calling to ask that the senator votes to confirm all five NLRB nominees and votes for a rules change if the nominees are blocked.

Jobs with Justice has been mobilizing across the country to raise attention to this crisis – participating in rallies, meeting with senators, participating in call-in days, and educating local communities. We cannot allow Republican obstructionism to shut down the only federal agency that protects the rights of America’s workers to form unions and bargain collectively.

Let’s make sure we have the protections of labor law on Labor Day! Call your senators NOW at 202-224-3121, then let us know how your call went.  Please make your voice heard today!

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