JWJ Launches the Worker Organizer Protection Fund

There is unprecedented interest amongst workers across the globe to organize with the aim of reaching a collective bargaining agreement. In this moment of worker upsurge following the ALU election victory on Staten Island and Bessemer’s historically close election, Amazon workers across the entire logistics chain are expressing interest in droves. Elsewhere, Starbucks workers continue to set a new vision for fast food workers everywhere, while workers in countless sectors are taking action and going on strike like never before. Yet as more and more front-line workers take collective action to demand better compensation and conditions, companies are responding with unjust retaliation including terminating workers who are speaking up and organizing.

We recognize this as a critical moment to build a healthy economic democracy where all working people can thrive. Jobs With Justice and Unemployed Workers United aim to meet the opportunity head-on by launching the Worker Organizer Protection Fund, which will provide worker leaders with resources and platforms to advance their organizing so that they can win big and ignite a movement that spreads across the country. This Fund was made possible through a collaboration with Coworker Solidarity Fund.

How does the Worker Organizer Protection fund work?

  • Workers who have been fired for organizing work (or a retaliatory store closure) can apply for the fund at workers.fyi/protection-fund.
  • Qualifying workers will receive one-time funding for specific activities or tactics the worker can execute as part of a campaign/strategy plan.
  • Workers must demonstrate previous capacity to plan and execute effective tactics or activities that are helpful to campaigns and strategies. For example:
    • Organizing an event or tactic (demonstration, press event, etc.)
    • Creating and disseminating effective public messages and information in support of the campaign (social media, content creation, GIFs, memes, graphic design, photos, etc.)
    • Training or teaching a particular campaign skill to co-workers.