In Memoriam: Treston Davis-Faulkner

Thank you for sharing.

Treston Davis-Faulkner, National Field Director of Jobs With Justice, lost his struggle with cancer on October 26 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Treston contributed incalculable leadership, wisdom and hard work to our movement, from serving as the first national SLAP (Student Labor Action Project) coordinator in 1999, through seven years as a Field Organizer in the Southern Region, and as National Field Director since 2009. He was a leader of leaders. We are already missing him in our work and in our lives.

Those wishing to send condolences are asked, in lieu of flowers, to contribute to an education fund for his son, Na’im Faulkner. Please donate here.

  • A memorial will be held in Washington, D.C., on December 5, 2015, at 2 p.m. at All Souls Church. All are welcome to come together to celebrate Treston’s life, love and work. You can view/print the invitation here — and please help us spread the word. If you have questions, email Scarlet Jimenez at
  • Treston’s obituary in the Washington Post
  • If you have a photo of Treston that you could share with us as we plan his memorials, please email it to