EV must include me! Demand a worker-led just transition in South Carolina.

Our communities have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Federal investments could redefine democracy & the economy for southern Black workers!

Private companies are receiving massive amounts of public funds to expand and build new electric vehicles (EV) – including electric battery and electric battery cell plants – all over the South. We have the power to demand that these new EV jobs are not only good-paying and safe, but that the training needed to participate in this growing industry is accessible to Black and brown communities.

Equal Access

Data from 2020-2021 reveals that South Carolina Technical Schools have a 91% placement rate for graduates, but Black and brown students only make up 23% of graduates. This moment calls for new partnerships and equitable investments so that our communities can be fully represented in energy and science fields. Workforce shortages are already common amongst Software Developers, Industrial Engineers, Electric Vehicle Maintenance, Automotive Technicians and Mechanics, ad Logisticians.

Green Economy

To meet the demands of a green economy, many private companies are flocking to the South to exploit workers. Time and time again, history reveals that when corporations look to exploit the South, generations of Black and brown workers are most significantly impacted by dangerous working conditions and low wages. Labor law and anti-worker political leaders make it incredibly easy to get away with this corporate exploitation.

In 2022, EV-related companies accounted for more than half of the $10.27 billion in economic development South Carolina. This economic prosperity must benefit our communities and translate to careers with family-supporting wages. Black or African American households have the lowest median income in South Carolina at $44,187, while White households have a median income of approximately $73,516. The clean energy boom could help rectify these pay gaps.

When we fight together, we win!

For too long the system has been rigged against workers, but we're joining together to build power and win thriving wages, safety, respect, and dignity across the South.

South Carolina Jobs With Justice Solidarity Hub is dedicated to the struggle of workers. We want to connect with you, your organization, union, or faith-based institution. Check back into this space frequently for ways you can get involved!

Ready to take action? Add your name to the South Carolina JWJ Solidarity Hub "I'll Be There" pledge to commit to joining the fight.